Then it starts. Thanksgiving…then an inbox full of black Friday and cyber Monday specials. Frantically trying to get Christmas decorations up before it’s “too close to bother.” Hearing Jingle Bells for the first time on the radio and thinking “is it here already?” Writing all the dates on my calendar of ALL the events to take place within a four week period…
I think you know the feeling I’m describing. I’ll call it: Holiday Exhaustion
Then I have to stop. Take a breath. And realize it’s not about needing to do things…the holidays are about relaxing and enjoying my family and friends. Spending time with each other around that fireplace. Playing games, sharing stories, laughing and relaxing. Enjoying the time without feeling exhausted and over-worked.
So I propose something to you this year. IF you get Holiday Exhaustion, then let’s make a pact.
Think of one time-consuming thing that you think you “need to do” butA) don’t really enjoy doing and it takes you away from friends or family…
B) makes you so exhausted that when you see friends or family you’ve got a headache and heavy eyelids.
Then decide with confidence not to do that thing this year. I know. It’s a big step.
But, freedom from “have-tos” is amazing. And realizing that the world will not fall apart if you only make one dish for the party instead of three is liberating.If your family member asks why you didn’t XYZ this year, your response is simple and honest.
“Because I’m taking one thing off my to-do list this year so that I’m less exhausted and more energized to spend time with you.”
If you’ve already defeated Holiday Exhaustion in years past – Bravo! – I want to hear your suggestions below in the comments.
If you’re ready to tackle Holiday Exhaustion this year – Right On! We’ll be doing it together. I want to hear in the comments section, what you’re nixing with confidence this year!
Enjoy the holidays and remember to take some time for yourself this year.
Lots of love and holiday cheer from the RAL family to yours!