3 Ways To Reduce Waste In Cosmetics

Happy Earth Day Red Apple Girls,
In this blog post, I'm going to share with you three ways you can help to reduce waste when it comes to cosmetics.
1. Refills- Having a refillable palette means you can purchase the shadows you like and can continue to use the same palette while purchasing new shadows when you need to.
2. Repurpose- We’ve all purchased something that we ended up not liking or didn't work for us. If you are not able to pass it along to someone else I’d like to encourage you to see if you can find another purpose for the item. Often I will end up mixing a lipstick I don’t like with one I love and it creates a beautiful, magical and unique blend. We do have a 6-month return policy though so please don’t ever hesitate to message us if something just does not work. You should be happy with your purchases.
3. Recycling Or Trade In Programs- Look for recycling and trade-in programs. While we don’t have a recycling program ourselves we do have a trade in program. If you send us your old makeup with the trade in form you can exchange them for a discounted price on our products. Click here to go to our trade in page and learn more.
I’m sure there are plenty of other ways to reduce waste with makeup and I’d love to hear your suggestions. Also, I’d like to know in what ways you think we can do better in regards to being more eco-friendly. There is always room for improvement and without feedback, we won’t know what you need or want ? ?