Mastering Makeup: How Skin Tone Undertones Affect Your Look

Ever wondered what the fuss about skin tone undertones is in the makeup realm? Well, they’re kind of a big deal, and yes, you absolutely need to be in the loop!

Why, you ask? Understanding your skin tone undertones is crucial, especially if makeup is your playground. It’s like knowing the secret ingredients to your favorite dish – it just makes everything better.

We’re going to spill the beans on everything you need to know about skin tone undertones. What are they? Why should you care? And, what are all the types? Stick with us to become a pro.

Skin Tone and Undertone in Makeup

Let’s get to the heart of it: knowing your skin tone and undertone isn’t just fun; it’s essential. It’s the golden ticket to picking clothes that pop, hair colors that harmonize, and makeup that looks like it was made just for you.

Choosing makeup? It’s like picking your best outfit. Knowing your skin’s tone and undertone helps you select the perfect foundation and concealer shades. No more guessing games!

And when it comes to Red Apple Lipstick goodies, this knowledge is your best friend. Makeup has no rules, but some shades will make you shine brighter than others. Learning about skin tones and undertones is not just useful; it’s your secret weapon for that flawless look.

What is Skin Tone?

Skin tone is basically your skin’s natural color, shining bright or subtle depending on melanin, the skin’s very own pigment party.

What is Skin UnderTone?

Skin Undertones refer to the colors that come through the skin from underneath its surface.

Unlike the skin tone, which is the shade of your skin (light, medium, dark), undertones remain consistent regardless of sun exposure or skin conditions like rosacea or acne.

They play a big role in determining which makeup shades will look most flattering.

Wearing colors that complement your undertone can make your skin look vibrant, while the wrong colors might make your skin appear dull, washed out, or overly sallow.

Skin Tone Categories

Let’s break it down: skin color swings from fair, light, medium, to dark. Makeup brands might slice these into finer shades like a rainbow cake, offering a spectrum from “very fair” to “deeper skin.” But let’s keep it simple with the four main flavors.

For the sake of simplicity, though, we will stick to the 4 popular main broad categories.  

Fair Skin Tone

Fair skin, what makeup to wear?

Fair skin folks are the VIPs of the porcelain club, sporting the lightest shades with cool or neutral undertones. Sunscreen is their best friend, as they tend to turn lobster-red under the sun.

Light Skin Tone

Light skin, what makeup to wear?

Step up from fair, light skin tones are still on the lighter side but pack a bit more pigment. With warm or neutral vibes, they might tan or burn-then-tan, playing it cool or warm under the sun.

Medium Skin Tones

Medium skin, what makeup to wear?

Medium skin tones, the versatile middle ground, range from light-medium to olive. They’re the chameleons with neutral or warm undertones, mastering the art of tanning or the occasional burn-then-tan.

Darker Skin Tones

Dark skin, what makeup to wear?

Darker skin tones boast a rich pigment palette, from dark to deepest. They’re a diverse bunch with neutral, warm, cool, or even olive undertones. Contrary to popular belief, yes, they can sunburn, but their melanin magic makes them less prone to turning crispy.

What is Olive Skin?

Olive skin, what makeup to wear?

Ever scratch your head wondering what olive skin really is? It’s a bit of a chameleon – some say it’s a skin tone, others argue it’s an undertone. Let’s clear the air: I’m team undertone.

Olive skin doesn’t play favorites; it pops up across the skin color spectrum, from the lighter leagues to the deeper divisions. Picture it with a sneaky greenish hue, thanks to a mix of neutral (cool and warm) or warm undertones, making it look, well, olive-y.

Fun Fact:

Olive skin is globe-trotting, showing up in folks from the Mediterranean to the Middle East, and from Latin America to parts of Asia and Africa. It’s the skin that loves the sun, tanning with ease and seldom burning.

Given its wide range and that distinct greenish tint coming from its undertones, olive skin fits snugly in the undertone category. Whether your skin is light or dark, that olive glow sticks around because of its undertone blend.

So, we’re dubbing olive as an undertone here, thanks to its universal presence and signature greenish glow.

But What are Undertones Again?

Skin tone is what you see in the mirror – your surface color. Undertones? They’re the secret sauce beneath, influencing your overall hue. It’s like having a color within a color that makes everyone’s skin uniquely theirs, even if the skin tone seems the same.

Think of it this way: just like there are endless shades of pink, from neon to pastel, people’s skin tones vary with their undertones. It’s all about the subtle shades that make the same color look different. Undertones are the skin’s personal touch to your color story, adding depth and dimension beneath the surface.

What are the Different Undertones?  

Let’s meet the fab four of undertones: cool, warm, neutral, and the unique olive. These are the squads your skin falls into. 

Cool Undertone

If you’re in the cool crew, your skin flashes hints of pink, blue, or red. Some might even describe the red as ruddy red. Don’t let the word fool you, it’s beautiful. It’s like having a built-in blush!

Warm Undertone

Warm undertone folks glow with peach, golden, or yellow hues. They’re the human embodiment of a sunny day.

Women with warm undertones often look better in gold jewelry, and they tan easily or have an ivory or honey skin color.

Neutral Undertone

Neutral undertones? Best of both worlds! They mix cool and warm hues, or may appear greenish in some cases.

Both gold and silver jewelry suit well, and they can wear a wide range of colors but need to balance intensity based on their skin tone.

Olive Undertone

Olive undertones are the cool mixologists, blending warm or neutral tones with a dash of green. It’s the skin’s own cocktail.

Can Your Skin Tone and Undertone Change?

Ever wonder if your skin’s look can switch up? Yes, for skin tone; no, for undertone.

Your skin tone can tan or lighten, playing seasonally with the sun. I go from medium to “winter light-medium” and then to “summer light tan” with the sun’s mood swings.

But undertones? They’re loyal – never changing, just becoming more themselves over time. It’s the essence of your skin that sticks around, no matter the season.

So, now you’re probably itching to know, “What’s my tone and undertone?” Perfect timing! We’ll dive into discovering yours in an upcoming chat. Stay tuned for more skin secrets revealed!

How Skin Tone Undertones Affect Your Look

Harmony and Contrast: Once you get on board with the fact that your undertone is set, and you know what it is then using colors that align with your undertone creates a harmonious look, making the skin appear more radiant and healthy.

In contrast, using opposing colors can sometimes create a striking effect but may also clash with natural coloring, leading to a look that might feel off or unbalanced.

Enhancing Features: Correctly chosen colors can emphasize features and natural beauty, like enhancing eye color with complementary eyeshadow hues or making the complexion glow with the right blush.

Color Matching: Always test makeup in natural lighting, as artificial lights can alter the appearance of the undertones in makeup.

Consultations: When in doubt, a professional makeup consultation can help individuals understand their undertones and choose products that will best suit their natural coloring.

Choosing The Right Makeup For Your Skin Undertone.

Here are some practical tips on choosing the right makeup for your beautiful undertone.

Foundation and Concealer:

It really matters to match both the skin tone and undertone when selecting foundation and concealer. A mismatch can result in the face looking distinct from the rest of the body, creating an unnatural appearance. For example, a person with a cool undertone might look ashy or gray if they use a foundation with a yellow base.

Here’s how to choose the right color base for each skin undertone:

Warm Undertones

  • Color Base: Yellow or golden-based foundations and concealers.
  • Why: Warm undertones have a golden, peachy, or yellow cast, and using a yellow or golden-based foundation enhances the natural warmth of the skin.
  • Visual Effect: Creates a radiant, sun-kissed effect that harmonizes with the natural undertone, making the skin look healthy and vibrant.

Cool Undertones

  • Color Base: Pink, red, or blue-based foundations and concealers.
  • Why: Cool undertones are characterized by hints of blue or pink beneath the skin’s surface. A foundation with a pink, red, or blue base will complement these cooler hues, avoiding the ashy or washed-out look that a yellow-based foundation might cause.
  • Visual Effect: Enhances the natural freshness of the skin, offering a rosy, luminous finish that matches the cool undertones, making the skin appear more alive and even.

Neutral Undertones

  • Color Base: Neutral foundations that neither lean too yellow nor too pink.
  • Why: Neutral undertones are a mix of warm and cool tones, or may appear olive. Choosing a neutral base helps in maintaining the balance, avoiding the dominance of either warmth or coolness.
  • Visual Effect: Maintains the natural look of the skin without altering its true color, providing a more balanced and harmonious appearance.

Blush, Lipstick, and Eyeshadows

Here’s where understanding undertones really plays into enhancing one’s beauty:

  • Warm Undertones: Opt for earthy shades like orange, coral, warm browns, olive, and deep greens. For lipstick, warm reds, oranges, and corals enhance the natural warmth of the skin.
  • Cool Undertones: Choose rosy pinks, purples, blues, emerald greens, and berry shades. Lip colors with blue or pink bases look stunning, such as plum, cherry, and pink.
  • Neutral Undertones: Have the versatility to explore colors from both spectrums but need to maintain a balance or opt for muted or neutral shades that don’t overwhelm their coloring.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is your skin tone?

Your skin’s tone refers to the color of your skin’s surface.  

Is skin tone the same as skin color?

Yes, it is. Your skin tone is the color that the skin appears to be on the surface, the overall visible skin color.

What are the 4 types of skin tones?

There are 4 main broad tone categories: fair, light, medium, and darker skin.

What are undertones in skin?

Skin undertones refer to the color tone below the surface of the skin. The skin’s undertone can be either warm, cool, neutral, or olive.