Summer Lipsticks For Fall? – How To Wear Them

Transitioning Your Summer Lipsticks For Fall

Ashley will demonstrate in this tutorial how to use your light and bright Spring or Summer lipstick colors and transition them for use during the Fall. In this video, Ashley uses a light pink lipstick along with a dark color to create a beautiful and gorgeous shade to wear during the Autumn months.

This is the perfect tutorial for anyone who is not quite ready to put your Summer lipsticks away but would like to get the most out of wearing colors that aren’t traditionally thought of as Fall colors. Making that transition is simple, easy, and fun. Get ready to start experimenting with using any of your lighter Spring and Summer lipsticks along with a darker shade to create a fun and new Autumn color.

How To Combine A Light Summer Lipstick With A Dark Lipstick For A New Fall Lip Color

French Skirt Applied First

French Skirt is a gorgeous light frosty pink spring or summer lipstick color

French Skirt

French skirt is a gorgeous frosty pink spring or summer color lipstick. In this video, French Skirt is applied first and blended into the lips. This was a limited edition lipstick so feel free to experiment with other colors you already have if you don’t own French Skirt. Something like Secrets would be perfect!

Wine & Dandy Applied Second

Gluten Free Wine & Dandy lipstick from RAL

Wine & Dandy

Wine & Dandy is the second color applied over the top of French Skirt. Wine & Dandy is a rich wine purple color and perfect for Fall by itself but by applying French skirt over it you’ve now created a beautiful Autumn shade. Follow up with one more coat of French Skirt and blend.

Additional Eye Makeup

Champagne Gluten Free RAL eyeshadow


Champagne is a light golden frosty taupe. It looks amazing with all eye colors too! Ashley enjoys using this eyeshadow as an all over lid color. It looks great paired with Brownie Points as well.

Cocoa Eyeliner

Cocoa Eye Pencil

Cocoa Eyeliner is a medium chocolate brown. Brown eyeliner is perfect for a natural look or if you feel that black eyeliner looks too harsh on you.

The Lash Project Mascara

The Lash Project Mascara

The Lash Project Mascara

The Lash Project Mascara is a Hypo-Allergenic Mascara that is classic and timeless in satin black and gives your lashes a weightless, soft feathery look all while defining your lashes.

The best part about this mascara is that you can really layer it up. You can go from one coat to four without looking clumpy.

You can easily create a new fall lipstick shade by taking a lighter spring or summer color and applying a dark color over the top and blending the two colors together you get a whole new exciting look while still being able to use your summer shades. Experimenting can be so much fun and you never know what new favorite color combo you might find, so don’t be afraid to mix things up.

Below is link to another article with suggestions for 9 Lipstick Shades You Need For Fall that you’ll love!